Grand Hotel Central greatly appreciates your visit to its website. Grand Hotel Central respects the privacy of visitors to its site. We ensure that the information you provide to us is treated confidentially.
The personal data that you may provide to Grand Hotel Central via the website will be processed in accordance with current privacy legislation.
We use and process your personal data such as your name, email address, private and business address, telephone number, nationality and payment card details only if this is necessary for the performance of our services and/or to be able to maintain personal contact with you. After your stay, we may send you communications and customer satisfaction questionnaires to obtain feedback on your experience. If you respond to a competition or a promotion, we ask for your name, address and email details. This data is used to carry out the promotion, to inform the prize winners of their prize and to measure the responses to the promotion.
The data will therefore not be provided to third parties, unless we are legally obliged to do so.
We protect the quality and integrity of your personal information through appropriate technical and organizational measures. Your data will be stored and kept secure by us for as long as necessary to fulfill the agreement with you as a customer of Grand Hotel Central or for as long as we need your data for marketing activities.
You can always request us to send you the personal data that we have processed about you. If you want to adjust, correct or delete your personal data, please let us know by e-mail via
If you visit our website, general data is stored in the log files of the web server. These are not personal and will not be able to identify you as a visitor. This data is only collected for statistical purposes. We use cookies from Google Analytics to gain insight into the way in which visitors use our website, so that we can continue to improve the user experience.